Fight Porn Addiction With Pen and Paper

To fight porn addiction you need a lot of helpful information, a lot of motivation, and a plan. One thing that can help you to fight this addiction to porn is a very simple tool and technique that involved just 3 things: your mind, a pen, and a piece of paper.

This might sound like a very strange thing in regards to an addiction to sleaze and smut, but being able to write things down about your problems has a few advantages you might not realise such as:

  • Unchangeable – What you write down stays the same even if the thoughts you have in your head can change and be twisted depending on your mood.
  • Records – Having a record of what you were thinking at a point in time is very helpful to be able to refer to when you are down, or later in your journey to see your progress.
  • Planning – You can only achieve something if you plan for it. Being able to write down even a loose plan will help you tremendously. The more structured your plan is the better chance you will have to break porn addiction

So with this in mind here are a few things you can do to help yourself right now.

  • Pros and Cons – Write down a list of the good and bad things about pornography and your usage of it. Be extremely honest here and make a comprehensive list. Only when the negatives of porn addiction greatly outweigh the positives you feel will you be able to find more reasons to quit and stay quit.
  • Triggers – Being able to identify the events and circumstances that cause you to crave porn is important. Writing these down along with a way to avoid or overcome these problems allows you some planning time and being able to put into words those triggers to recognise them properly.
  • Feelings – Just writing down what you are feeling when you are at your lowest points, and also when you are feeling strong and ready to end your addiction can also be helpful. Putting them on page makes them real. It allows you to view what you are feeling outside of your own head to judge your reactions and emotions on a different level.